News from Israel: We Acknowledge, Hold & Invite

Kavana does not normally send emails on Shabbat or chag, but today is far from a normal day. We awoke this morning to gut-wrenching news out of Israel, and feel so very heavy and sad. We wanted to send a quick note to our community to do a few things:

  1. We acknowledge: We are horrified and heartbroken about the violent and deadly attacks, unleashed by air, land and sea by Hamas against Israel. The personal accounts that are starting to emerge now from the Southern Israeli communities surrounding Gaza – of killings, kidnappings and carnage – are particularly shocking and terrifying. We stand in support and solidarity with our Israeli siblings, grieving the hundreds of lives already lost; we wish for healing for the thousands of wounded; we pray that those who are missing or are currently being held hostage will emerge safely from their ordeals. As the situation escalates to war, we lament the loss of innocent Palestinian lives as well, and decry the extremism which has fueled this violence.

  2. We hold: We are here to listen if you need to talk, and here to sit with you quietly if you need to be in the presence of another human being who can share in your pain. We know that these events are bound to stir up a huge range of emotions in our community, and will touch different individuals in different ways. As more information becomes clear, we will try to convene spaces in which folks can process, learn, and join together in action. Please let us know what you need so we can offer support.

  3. We invite: It feels hard to imagine dancing with joy this Simchat Torah while such tragic and scary events are unfolding for our fellow Jews across the world. And yet, we are drawn to gather with our Jewish community tonight, to be together and to muster whatever joy we can in community, for ourselves and on behalf of so many of our friends in Israel who found themselves in bomb shelters when they might otherwise have been celebrating. True joy is possible only when we also name and honor our shared horror and sorrow. In addition, we refuse to let extremists claim Torah… this is precisely the time for us to celebrate and hold fast to a Torah of peace, of truth, of healing and of love! Whether you’re already registered or not, we hope that you will join us this evening for Kavana’s Simchat Torah celebration: click here to register.

With gratitude that – especially when the world is so awful – we have the support of community to help us through,

Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum & Rabbi Jay LeVine


Another Invitation from Kavana 


The Chain of Blessing