Adult Learning Programs

Haggadah Deep Dive
What do we know about how our Passover seder ritual came to be what it is today? Join Kavana Partner, Daniel Fisher for this stimulating discussion.
Mid-Week Midrash
Join Rabbi Jay LeVine for a weekly virtual session where he will teach a midrash related to the weekly Torah portion.
Singing Circle
Join Chava Mirel for an evening dedicated to the joy of Jewish group singing. We guarantee you will leave feeling uplifted!
Book Club
The Book Club discusses provocative Jewish fiction and nonfiction, and meets on several Sunday mornings throughout the year.
Living Room Learning
Join Rabbi Rachel for a deep dive into various Jewish topics. This cozy learning group takes place in living rooms across Seattle.
Mussar Reflections from Partners
Kavana partners who are engaged with our Mussar learning are writing reflections of their personal journeys.